Good read: Stratfor analysis of oil price fluctuations

Wednesday, 5 November, 2014

We’ve got a team spread out quite literally across opposite sides of the globe today, bouncing from meeting to meeting, so minimal analysis on this one. Just wanted to point you in the direction of an interesting examination over on of the geopolitical ramifications of oil price fluctuations. Some good infographics too, and we do love a good infographic over at CSR21.

The piece, available here, includes:

- Price and demand forecasts
- Developed and developing world implications
- Summary of recent production trends (pretty spectacular over the last four months)
- Growth prospects for energy production
- Unlikeliness of production cuts
- Bleak production prospects outside North America
- Likeliness of lingering low demand
- Where China's economy sits in all this

Worth 5 minutes of your time.


IMAGE: from the Sratfor report