New State Equity Figures Announced
Mining Consolidated CSR Projects 2013 - 2014
Completed Projects
Nbuma Primary School completed in May this year; see case study for full story.
Nbuma Health Clinic, finished in 2010;
Mzandiwa Creche and Childcare Centre, completed in July 2011
Current Projects
Vegetable Programme in Nbuma Village: using permaculture method to increase vegetable yields in the village, and provide income. The project began in August this year and will end around Christmas (see video for more details)
Refurbishment of Mzandiwa Secondary school, providing 3 more classrooms, running water, and new desks for every pupil.
MC Education Initiative: we are providing bursuries and scholarships for 15 students across all local schools, as well as 2 grants for local pupils to study engineering at university.
Business Training: As part of the MC Education Initiative, we provide twice annual business management workshops, providing basic business and enterprise skills for budding entrepreneurs. See MC Education video for more details.
Future Projects
MC Palm Oil Plantation: Our most ambitious project yet will see MC provide land, capital and start up costs for a palm oil business to be run by the locals. The project will provide substanital income for the village and will furthermore provide lasting returns for the community, beyond our anticipated mining tenure.
Sewage upgrade: after consulting with the local community representives, the most pressing concern was clearly sanitation and sewage issues. We concluded that providing and installing new pipes and waste disposal units in the village will solve the issue. The project will go ahead in January 2014.
Articles & Reports

50 Bursaries Announced This Year
Mining Consolidated today announced that it will be increasing its bursary and scholarship programme to 50 students after a successful 2013. Our bursaries go to covering the fees of students at...
Mining Consolidated
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A space for your CSR videos and stakeholder interviews |
A space for your CSR Videos and stakeholder interviews |
Case Studies

Childcare in Nbuma
With Nbuma predominantly dependent on agriculture, many of the women are absent from their children for the day whilst they...